• Lastekodu 48, Tallinn, 10144
  • Tel: +(372) 635 7752
  • E-mail: info@windair.ee



According to the needs of property owners we may offer containers of 12m3, 15m3 and 20m3. The use of containers shall be agreed with clients, their delivery and removal shall be performed on weekdays. It is advisable not to place debris that contains asbestos, rubber, pipes with insulation materials, asbestos cement, and roofing felt and paint containers: they will be disposed of as unsorted garbage at a special classification rate.






WINDAIR OÜ offers its customers the entire spectrum of services which the company constantly upgrades.


Company: Windair OÜ
Reg.nr: 11228226
Address: Lastekodu 48,
Tallinn, Eesti, 10144
Tel .: +(372) 635 7752
Mob.: +(372) 5822 4263
Fax.: +(372) 607 0193
E-mail: info@windair.ee
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